I put a roll of Kodak Gold 200 in my Holga WPC (Wide Pinhole Camera), put some rubber bands around it to hopefully defeat light leaks, *THOUGHT* that I had a tripod in my minivan (turned out to be a monopod), looked up the best exposure time for a sunny day (3-6 seconds) and headed out to the Howard County Conservancy in Woodstock, Maryland (USA) (also took along one of my April 2024 Frugal Film Project cameras/films). I use an old latching cable release that has a really long plunger that fully retracts the WPC shutter. I found that I did not have a tripod, only a monopod, and I *TRIED* to hold it steady, but I think that the results show that I did not do the best job. The exposure looks pretty good, maybe a tad overexposed — but the motion blur is annoying. Not good/drastic enough to make these into ‘psychedelic’ pinhole shots! Next time — a tripod!!!!!